A Study of The Book of Genesis
A Study of The Book of Genesis
With Genesis, we are introduced to a series of beginnings. The beginning of earth, the animal kingdom, mankind, sin, marriage and the Hebrew nation are a few of the beginnings explored in this book. As you may expect, these beginings are packed with valuable life lessons. So join us as we unpack them and grow!!!
God Is Awesome!!! (Genesis 1 & 2)
In Genesis 1 & 2, we read of the creation of heaven and earth. With each day of creation, God, the Master Architect, and Potter, speaks things into existence. Think about that. How awesome is that!!! Or shall I say, God, the Master Designer, is AWESOME and worthy of praise!!!!
But There Is Hope!!! (Genesis 3)
With the disobedience and deception of Adam and Eve, sin was introduced into the world. Theologians call it "The Fall" and we are still feeling the effects of their bad choices today. But there is hope. For even in the midst of issuing punishment, God states that a Gracious Overcomer is coming. (Gen 3:15)
Noah: God's Man
(Genesis 6-9)
Noah was an obedient man who resisted the wicked and sinful temptations of society to walk faithfully with the Lord. Therefore, He was a man that God could trust with "Mission Impossible" size assignments. He was God's man. He was a man who trusted Yahweh which made Him a man that Yahweh could trust.
In Him & For Him
(Genesis 11:1-9)
The descandents of Noah sought to build a tower to reach the heavens. That sounds harmless and somewhat noble until we examine their motives. They sought to make a name for themselves.
What Will U Do While U Wait? (Genesis 16)
One of the most difficult spiritual disciplines to master is patience...the willingness and ability to wait on Yahweh to do that which He said he would do. We are not alone. Abram and Sarai struggled with patience as well. Join us as we examine their struggle and see what lessons we can learn.
The Beauty of Imperfect Faith (Genesis 17)
There is a misconception that when we accept Jesus as our Lord & Savior, our faith must be perfect. No doubt. No questions. No mistakes. Just rock-solid perfect faith. But that's not true. Faith is dynamic. It grows as we journey with Yahweh. And there is beauty in that growth.
There Is A Lot Out There Who Needs You (Gen 13, 14 & 18)
As we proceed on our faith-based journeys, there are times when we come upon someone who can use some assistance with their journey. While stopping to help them can slow us down, it is worth it. For we were not intended to take this journey alone. There is a Lot out there who could benefit from our wisdom. There is a Lot out there who needs us.
Fear Induced Sin (Genesis 20)
When we find ourselves in a sticky situation and the pressure is on, fear has a way of revealing the worst in us and pushing us to sin. But even in the midst of this, God does not give up on us.
Between 2 Laughs (Gen 18, Gen 21, Heb 11)
When the Lord appears unto Abraham and says that this time next year, Sarah will bear a child, she sarcastically laughs. (Gen 18) One year later, she gives birth to the promised child Isaac and appreciatively laughs. (Gen 21) But here is my question, what happens between the sarcastic laugh of "unbelief" and the appreciative laugh? How did Sarah become the mighty woman of faith described in Hebrews 11?
You Gotta Pass The Test (Gen 22:1-18)
Like Abraham, there is a purpose for all of our lives. But in order to fully walk in it, there are some tests that we must pass. What do we need to do to pass the inevitable tests? While there can be as many answers to that question as people asking, there is one constant that is true for all. And Abraham serves as an excellent example. Join us as we examine the spiritual tool that allowed Abraham to pass his test final exam.
The Pull & Tug of Faithfulness (Gen 24)
While Abraham was a mighty man of faith, he was not perfect. He had his struggles. But in the midst of impatience, doubt, and a struggle to understand the Father's ways, he remained faithful unto the Father who also remained faithful unto him. There was a tug and pull in their relationship that unlocked blessings, increased confidence, influenced others, and generated praise.
Can Does Not Equal Should (Gen 25:19-34)
In season 2, episode 2 of the Netflix relaunch of Lost in Space, John the Father tells his 19-year-old ambitious daughter that a part of being an adult is realizing that just because you can do something does not mean that you should do something. In Gen 25, Jacob opportunistically takes a course of action because he could not because he should which has a rippling effect across multiple families.
Passion or Unhealthy Obsession (Gen 27)
We all have dreams, ambitions, and goals. Like Jordan, Kobe, and Beyonce, it is our pursuit of those goals that can serve as the motivating fuel in our lives. If we learn to pair our God-given talents with that passion on the inside of us, success awaits. But what happens when our pursuit of those goals goes shifts from a healthy passion to an unhealthy obsession.
In Spite Of Us, Yahweh Is Faithful (Gen 28)
Jacob took advantage of his twin brother's overly dramatic evaluation of his hunger and purchased the birthright for pennies on a dollar. Then the hustler tricked his father, Isaac, into blessing him instead of his brother Esau. But, Yahweh, God the Father still promised to bless Jacob and be with him anyway. Why? He made a promise and as a promise keeper, the Father is faithful.
In Spite Of Us, Yahweh Is Faithful (Part 2) (Gen 29)
We all have been created for a purpose and equipped with the tools to accomplish that purpose. However, there are seasons in our lives when our actions do not match the man or woman of God that we have been created to be. But Yahweh, God the Father, sees the best in us in spite of us and He is faithful.
Faithfulness In The Midst of Messiness (Gen 29-30)
The life of Jacob is a testament to the fact that life can be full of drama. From lies to backstabbing to manipulation to financial and relationship problems, life can be pretty dramatic. But as we study the life of Jacob, there is one thing that continues to stand out. Yahweh is faithful!!! He blesses us in the midst of our messiness.
The Showdown @ Gilead (Gen 30:25-31:55)
The tension between the two hustlers, Uncle Laban and Nephew Jacob, has been building for years. But something has to give. Jacob is ready to go home. But Laban is not trying to hear that. He wants to keep prospering from the anointing on Jacob's life. What do they do? How do they resolve the issue? Without spoiling it, let's just say that Yahweh is faithful.
I Won't Let Go (Genesis 32)
There are times in our lives in which we find ourselves wrestling with the Father for the peace, joy, strength, anointing, guidance, etc. that only He can provide. For Jacob, it was protection. He needed to be protected from the fury of his twin brother Esau. As they wrestled, the Father told Jacob to let Him. But Jacob refused to let the Father go unless...
The Humility That Leads To Reconciliation (Gen 33)
I will not let you go unless you bless me. Those were the persistent words of Jacob as he wrestled with the pre-incarnate Lord @ Penuel. After the wrestling match was over, Jacob's issue is still there. His twin brother, Esau, is speeding towards him with 400 men. But Jacob humbles himself before Esau and that humility leads to a much-needed reconciliation.
Bad Choices That Hurt People (Gen 34)
In 2006, a sexual assault survivor and activist by the name of Tarana Burke founded a movement with the goal of providing support and healing to the survivors of sexual violence. In 2017, the movement went viral when several high-profile actresses utilized the hashtag "me too" to share their stories of sexual assault. And now every day, people...
Sharing + Unaddressed Anger = Danger (Gen 37)
Joseph shared his dream with his brothers. In the dream, they bowed down to him. This further enraged the brothers who already hated Joseph for the special treatment he received from their father Jacob. Therefore, when the opportunity arose, they sought to eliminate their problem. They did not call a family meeting to discuss their grievances. Instead, they sought to appease their unaddressed anger by getting rid of Joseph.
The Lord Is With You (Gen 39)
Joseph's brothers hate him. Why? Because their father, Jacob, treats Joseph better than them. And to make matters worse, Joseph has this dream that he would rule over the brothers that he shares with them. Infuriated, they eventually sell him into slavery. But the Lord is with Joseph! He causes Joseph to prosper and continues to be with Joseph after he is falsely accused of sexual assault.
In Jail Without No Bail (Gen 40)
Joseph is sitting in an Egyptian dungeon for being falsely accused of sexual assault. This does not look like his dream. While there is nothing, he can do about the unjust circumstances that landed him here, he can do something about the way he handles his unjust circumstances. What does he do? Join us and see.
When He Moves, We Move (Gen 41)
It has been 13 years since Yahweh revealed unto Joseph that he would rule his brothers. But unfortunately, the dream has not come to pass. In fact, Joseph is incarcerated for something that he did not do. But things are about to change. Is Joseph ready to capitalize on the opportunity?
When My Sins Catchup With Me. (Gen 42)
Things are beginning to turn around for Joseph. The dreamer who was tossed into a pit, sold into slavery, falsely accused of sexual assault, and tossed into a stinky dingy dungeon has become the prime minister of Egypt. Meanwhile, back in Canaan, Jacob and his other sons are suffering from the effects of the famine. To make matters worst, their guilty conscious is beginning to eat at them.
Let Go! Let God!!! (Gen 43)
There are times in which the situations of life, the famines of life will force us to let go of that which we treasure the most. For Jacob, the famine was forcing him to let go of Benjamin, the baby boy and only remaining son of his beloved Rachel. For you, it may be someone or something else. But in order for you to enjoy the abundant life that Jesus promised, you must let go of that inhibiting treasure, shed your fear and let El Shaddai have His way.