That You May Believe
A Study of The Gospel of John (John 20:24-31)
That You May Believe
A Study of The Gospel of John (John 20:24-31)
The Gospel of John is the Greatest Love Story Ever Told. It is the story of the relentless pursuit of a shunned Lover (Jesus) who ultimately sacrifices His life to pay the debt of His love interest (mankind). John provided us with this story so that we may believe. (John 20:30-31)
Additional Messages
Introducing Jesus AKA God In The Flesh. (John 1:1-18)
When you were in school, do you remember learning how to write an introductory paragraph? I believe that the Apostle John was paying attention in his Hebrew Literature class. For, he starts the gospel bearing his name with a bold proclamation that surely arrests the attention of his Greek audience.
John The Baptist AKA The Humble Witness (John 1:19-39, 3:22-36)
In John 3, John the Baptist responds to his curious disciples with the following statement: He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:25-30) What enables John to make such a powerful statement? Humility!!! Join us as we explore the humility of John the Baptist.
Can I Get A Witness
(John 1:35-51)
What's your favorite law show...LA Law, Law & Order, The Practice, Judge Judy, Matlock? Great lawyers use the testimony of witnesses to prove their case. John the Apostle utilized the testimony of eyewitnesses to prove that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Join us as we, the jury, examine his argument.
Just Do It
(John 2:1-11)
Have you ever found yourself overthink a situation? You had prayed about it and received an answer but fear paralyzed you from moving forward. Well, there are times when we must Just Do It". Regardless of our finite understanding, we must trust Jesus. Join us as we explore trusting Him.
Could Your Temple Use Spring Cleaning (John 2:12-25)
As a result of his Zeal for God's house, Jesus used his authority to cleanse the temple of the corrupt business dealings. How about you? Are there some things in you that could use some cleansing? Have you given Him the authority to do some spring cleaning?
You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-21)
Jesus addressed the curiosity of Nicodemus by stating that entrance into the kingdom of God was dependent upon him/her being born again. That is the reason God sent Jesus. Not the miracles but that we may believe in Him and be born again. (John 3:16-18) Do you believe?
Jesus Is The Living Water (John 4:1-26)
In 1965, scientists from the University of Florida invented Gatorade to address the dehydration taking place amongst their football players. The result was Gatorade. In like fashion, some of us are in need of Living Water for our spiritual dehydration.
It's Not About You. It's About Jesus! (John 4:27-42)
There are times in which we are reluctant to share our faith. Why? Fear!!! And as a result, we selfishly keep the great news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to ourselves. But the Woman At The Well teaches us that it is not about us. It is about Jesus.
Who Is This Healer? (John 5:1-15)
There was a man who had been lame for 38 years sitting at the Pool of Bethesda. Sincing his desperation, Jesus asks the man if he would like to be made well. Sounds like a peculiar question. But do you know anyone who wants to be healed but does not want to do what it takes to be healed?
Who Is This Healer? (Part 2) (John 5:15-47)
Have you ever been critiqued, criticized or even attacked for trying to help someone? Jesus has!!! In John 5, the religious leaders seek to persecute Jesus for healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath. But that is not the primary point of the story. Join us as we discuss the purpose of the healing. (John 5:14-18)
Turning A Little Into A Lot (John 6:1-14)
Jesus asked Philip where could they buy bread to feed the large crowd that flocked to them. Responding out his lack of resources, Philip says that they do not have enough money. Andrew follows with a similar response. Jesus acts out of His ability to turn a little into a lot. Sounds like a good mother.
Jesus: The Bread of Life (John 6:22-40)
Spiritually hungry? After feeding the 5000+ with two fish and five loaves of bread, Jesus utilizes this miraculous feeding to state that He is the Bread of Life for our spiritually starving souls.
What Type of Disciple Are You? (John 6:41-71)
After Jesus feeds 5000+ with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, some of His disciples abandon Him while others reaffirm their commitment to Him as He attempts to teach them a hard but needed truth. What type of disciple are you?
Jesus: The Humble Timely Teacher (John 6:7:1-24)
As a humble vessel of the Father, Jesus understood that timing was critical to the fulfillment of His purpose...The Cross. Therefore, He refused to allow others, including His brothers, to speed up His timeline. Instead, He constantly stated that His "time had not yet come". Jesus lived by the Law of Timing.
The Measuring Stick of Mercy (John 8:1-11)
The religious leaders brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus. Were they looking to help her? No. They were using her as a pawn to trap Jesus. But, Jesus, understanding their agenda, refused to condemn her. Instead, He provided the religious leaders with a self-judging mirror and the woman with "The Measuring Stick of Mercy".
Flip The Switch (John 8:12-20)
Shortly after the conclusion of the Feast of Booths, Jesus declared that He Is The Light Of The World. Then He challenged this Jewish audience consisting of haters, opportunist and the genuinely curious to "flip the switch" or shall we say follow Him. He is the One who will lead them out of darkness into the truth of eternal life.
Stick With It (John 8:31-59)
In the midst of hate, misinformation and genuine curiosity, Jesus encourages a group of new believers to CONTINUE IN HIS WORD. In His Word, they will find the truth that will set them free.
What Do You See? (John 9:1-41)
What we see in the spiritual realm is more important than what we know in the natural realm. The disciples wanted to know why the man was born blind. The neighbors wanted to know who healed him. The Pharisees wanted to know how he was healed. On the other hand, Jesus saw an opportunity to glorify God and healed the man both physically and spiritually.
You Choose (John 10:1-21)
After Jesus opens the eyes of the man born blind, the Pharisees question the validity of Jesus and kick the man born blind out of the temple. Jesus uses their small minded, uncaring decision to express the difference between Him and them. They are self-serving thieves and robbers. He is the Door and the Good Shepherd that lays down His life for the sheep.
A Deeper Faith (John 11)
When Jesus learned that His beloved Lazarus was terminally ill, He waited two days and then said the following to His disciples: I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe; but let us go to him. Why would Jesus say something like that? He needed to Deepen Their Faith. Their post-resurrection mission would require more than an entry level faith.
It's Time (John 12:1-36)
From our relationships to our purpose to our health to our career, TIMING is critical to our success. For Jesus, it was time for Him to fulfill His purpose of bearing our sins on the cross. (John 12:23) What time is it for you?
Love One Another (John 15:12-27)
It has been said that the trials, tribulations and issues of life can affect us in two ways. They can either unite us or divide us. Unfortunately, on too many occasions, they divide us. But it does not have to be that way. Join us as we talk about it.
Jesus Prays (John 17)
Have you ever had to have a hard conversation with someone? While in the upper room, Jesus is having one with His disciples. Sensing their lack of understanding, He repeatedly assures them that His departure is for their benefit. Then He seals this hard conversation with a prayer. What did He pray? Join us as we discuss it.
Motivating Love (John 18:1-27)
Jesus was betrayed, arrested, interrogated, slapped, denied, interrogated again, denied two more times, beaten again, and mocked. And here is the thing that amazes me, He could have stopped it all. He could have called down a legion of angels, hid or fought back. But He didn't do any of those things. Why? Let's talk about it. Join us as we talk about the motivation behind the selfless sacrifice of Jesus aka The Lamb of God.
What Are You Going To Do With Jesus? (John 18:28-19:16)
Pilate found himself in a quandary. What was he going to do with Jesus? He could either surrender to the jealous-laden demands of the crowd and crucify Him or he could release the One whom he knew was innocent. He chose to crucify Jesus. But how about you? When you find yourself in the midst of a Pilate moment, What Are You Going To Do With Jesus? Will you crucify Him? Or make Him your Ride & Die, partner?
It Is Finished: Your Sin Debt Has Been Paid (John 19:17-30)
In agonizing pain and struggling to breathe, Jesus declared It Is Finished!!! Mission accomplished. The debt has been paid. What debt? Our sin debt. Jesus wrote a check and cashed it via His blood. And Paul challenges us to live our lives with a deep-rooted appreciation of Jesus' love and sacrifice.
I Gotcha!!! (John 20:19-31)
After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples who were hiding in Galilee behind locked doors. Jesus convinces them that His resurrection was real by showing them His nail-pierced hands, spear-pierced side, and by eating a piece of fish. But Thomas, who was not there, refuses to believe. He needs tangible proof. Jesus obliges him. Spiritually, He meets Thomas where he is and takes him to where he needs to be. And He will do the same thing for us.